Piston ring brochure

Download the brochure in which you will find everything about our piston rings. You can read more about the function of piston rings in the brochure and there is an extensive overview of all piston ring types, lock types, options and coatings.
Download PDFFey brochure

Download the Fey brochure in which you can find everything about Fey laminar rings. You can read more about the function of these sealing rings in the brochure and there is an extensive overview of all types of lamella rings, including technical specifications.
Plain bearing brochure

Download the brochure in which you can read everything about our range of plain bearings. It contains a plain bearing overview, a specification overview and more information about materials and lubrication. Of course you will also find the complete size lists in the brochure.
Download PDFSintered filter brochure

Download the brochure in which you will find everything about our range of sintered filters, also known as silencers. In the brochure you can read more about the function of sintered filters and you will find an overview of the PUKS range, the technical properties and extensive information about the materials.
Download PDFLinear components brochure

Download our brochure in which you can read everything about our range of hardened ground shafts, ball bushing bearings, bearing housings, shaft bocks and shaft supports. You will find extensive overviews of types, sizes and versions.
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